Teen Titans Wiki

Hey hey hey.

It's Red here (again). Recently, I've been re watching the Teen Titans videos, just for 'ole time sake, ya know? Well, anyways, as I was watching them, I was thinking of something to do on Wiki's, like, things for people to get a little more involved and excited with Teen Titans again. I mean, Teen Titans Go! is out, so what better way to celebrate? (Okay, there are a lot better ways, but oh well).

So an idea just came out of nowhere (cue light bulb turning on over my head). So I decided, why not make a little game? I mean, everyone like's a little friendly competition every once in a while. So here's you little promo/teaser I guess. So I'm going to update every when I feel like it, (you guys probably thought I was going to say "week" or something, weren't you) I give you guys some questions for you to answer. They'll go in order, don't worry, and it won't be that hard, but whatever.

It's just to take up some of your time, and for you to have fun. Just comment below the answers, and let's see how it goes from there. =)
