"Titans Together" is the twelfth episode of season five and the overall 64th penultimate episode of the Teen Titans series.
It appears as though the Brotherhood of Evil are victorious. Members of the Teen Titans have been defeated across the globe, while other members have been taken prisoner and become frozen statues and with Robin being held captive as well all hope seems lost.
However, some hope still remains as Beast Boy and a few other members have escaped from the Brotherhood's attacks and must now band together if there is any chance to stop them.
The Titans are defeated, and the Brotherhood of Evil appears victorious - but there is still some hope. Beast Boy manages to find his way to a secret Titans outpost, where he is soon joined by the remnants of the Teen Titans Más, Pantha, Herald and Jericho. At first the escapees are dejected that neither of them are among the most powerful (especially Jericho is held in little esteem), but Beast Boy holds them back and rallies them into a rag-tag, but in his own way effective team.
Their first undertaking is the capture of Cinderblock, who, thanks to Jericho's talents, provides them both with the location of the Brotherhood's base and a cover to get them inside. A slip-up by Jericho talking inside Cinderblock causes them to lose the latter advantage, and soon they must face the villains assemble under the Brotherhood's leadership. Despite putting up a valiant fight, the odds eventually turn against the brave Titans, but just as things seem bleak, unexpected reinforcements arrive: Cyborg along with Kole and Gnarrk, Raven arriving with Melvin, Timmy Tantrum, Teether and their big friend Bobby, Starfire bringing Bumblebee and Red Star - and the battle is quickly overturned.
During all this, Más succeeds in reaching his brother Menos, unfreezing him after freeing himself from Chang's goons by kicking one goon's shin, while biting the other guard's hand. By fiddling with the controls of Professor Chang's freezing machine, they are able to free the Titans who have been already been captured: Hot Spot, Wildebeest, Aqualad, Tramm, Bushido, Argent, Killowat, Thunder, Lightning, Speedy, and Robin are freed from their flash freeze and quickly join the fight. With their numbers increased, the Titans easily overpower the villains. Last to arrive are Kid Flash and Jinx, who help mopping up the remnants of the H.I.V.E. Five and Madame Rouge and ferry the captured villains off to flash-freeze treatment.
As the numbers of their allies dwindle, The Brain and Monsieur Mallah decide to run for it, leaving the Brain's socket, which contains a fusion device, as a parting "gift". However, Beast Boy and Robin apprehend the two, and the bomb is disposed of by Cyborg and Starfire, who transport it into outer space through one of Herald's portals. By then, every single one of the villains are defeated when they are cryogenically frozen and with the Brain at the Titans' mercy, Cyborg takes the liberty of telling him that for one of the world's finest evil geniuses, assembling all of the Titans' worst foes altogether in one place was an idiotically fatale mistake. Finally, the Brain and Monsieur Mallah are frozen in ice, and the other Titans (Puppet King and XL Terrestrial) are all groaning in exasperation at Beast Boy's lame joke, "Brain Freeze."
Just as the Titans and the dozens of Honorary Titans take some time relaxing in Titans Tower and getting to know each other a little better, they receive an alarm involving Doctor Light, who is robbing the Bank of Pérez. Doctor Light later hurries out of the bank with his loot, unaware that almost 30 Titans are waiting to pounce on him. As Raven puts it: "He's totally gonna freak this time!" Robin shouts "Titans, go!" as the episode ends.
- In this episode, Jinx and Gizmo were not voiced by their usual voice actor, Lauren Tom, but instead by Tara Strong.
- Although Kid Flash picked up most of the villains and defeated them to get frozen, at the end of this episode, many villains are missing from the frozen statue collection. In fact, the only villains who were seen in the collection was Mad Mod, Control Freak, Killer Moth, Plasmus, See-More, Kyd Wykkyd, Mumbo Jumbo, I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R., Private H.I.V.E., Kardiak, Andre Le Blanc, Ding Dong Daddy, Madame Rouge, General Immortus, Monsieur Mallah and The Brain. Gizmo, Mammoth, Billy Numerous, Wrestling Star, Professor Chang, and his minions, were seen frozen on-screen, but they were not seen in the collection. Trident, Bob, The Source and Psimon were defeated and were frozen off-screen, but some villains like Adonis, General Immortus' soldiers, Atlas, Katarou, Punk Rocket, Malchior, Overload, Mother Mae-Eye, and XL Terrestrial were defeated, but were somewhat not frozen on-screen or off.
- Punk Rocket and Malchior were both sent to another dimension thanks to Herald which may explain why they are not seen in the collection.
- It remains unclear as to why Puppet King and XL Terrestrial were among the crowd of Titans as if they themselves were Titans when Beast Boy finished the final battle with his Brain Freeze joke, because it has been well established they were part of the Brain's grand scheme. The most likely reason is an animation error.
- After this episode, the only villains remaining that have been not frozen on-screen or defeated were: Cinderblock, Puppet King, Fang, Steamroller, Atlas, Warp, Angel, Kitten, Johnny Rancid, Katarou, Phobia, Master of Games, Wintergreen, H.I.V.E. Headmistress, and Cheshire.
- Although Kyd Wykkyd, Billy Numerous and Gizmo were lying in a heap and frozen together, at the end scene, Gizmo and Kyd Wykkyd are in totally different areas, in different poses. Kyd Wykkyd seems to be kneeling and Gizmo has his mechanical spider legs out, but is not seen in the collection. Billy Numerous is on the second row, standing up, but he is also not seen in the collection, and Mammoth is not seen frozen.
- When the Titans are sighing at Beast Boy's joke, Lightning, Tramm, Más y Menos, and Jericho are missing.
- Más y Menos were at the freezing machine at the time.
- After Robin gets unfrozen, he and Cyborg perform a combination attack (which defeats See-More and Mother Mae-Eye), which is the "Sonic Boom" that the two developed in "Divide and Conquer".
- While Cyborg and Robin did their combination, Raven and Starfire also combined their powers like they did against Soto in "Every Dog Has His Day". In this case, against XL Terrestrial.
- Psimon has not spoken in the series, but in this episode, he grunted twice when Herald stepped on him, and he grunted again when Raven pounded him to the ground. The Wrestling Star was known to not speak in the series, but he has grunted a few times when he was fighting Pantha.
- Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy's survival against their assailants, as well as Cyborg's statement, "Lesson number one: Never throw me down a hole, unless you make sure I stay there!" is a reference to "Aftershock - Part 1". Cyborg was thrown down a hole in that episode, and the rest of Titans managed to regroup as Terra did not make sure that she had truly defeated them. The same happened in this episode, as the three managed to defeat their assailants and return to Beast Boy with reinforcements.
- Beast Boy's leadership skills were truly put to the test in this episode, as he was forced to lead a ragtag team of honorary Titans to rescue the others. He is no longer the immature, care-free kid seen in the beginning of the series. Here, he is a leader, one just as capable as Robin. However, that doesn't change the fact that he is still fills the archetypal "Humorous" role on the team, as demonstrated when he still found time to make the corny joke, "Brain Freeze", following their victory, much to the chagrin of the other Titans.
- The Master of Games was supposed to be defeated by Pantha. However, he was briefly seen again in the final battle and accidentally defeated (which was ironic) by XL Terrestrial, when the giant alien was knocked down by Raven and Starfire and fell next to the Master of Games, which sent him flying off.
- Although most of the Titans were sighing at Beast Boy's joke, Wildebeest does not seem to care whether it was funny or not.
- The flashbacks of the episode show Cyborg giving a communicator to Pantha, Starfire giving one to Argent, Beast Boy giving one to Jericho, Raven giving one to Herald, Robin giving one to Kole and Gnarrk, Robin leaving in his ship as "Hot Spot" reveals "himself" as a shape-shifted Rouge with the communicator, Bumblebee losing consciousness and falling in the sky with Punk Rocket and Angel chasing after her, Kitten riding on a giant moth monster and capturing Starfire before the rest of the mutant moths attack Starfire and supposedly eat her alive, Mammoth pushing Cyborg into a chasm to his supposed demise, Tramm (who managed to defeat XL Terrestrial) joining Aqualad to face Trident and Plasmus, but defeated by the two villains, and Raven about to finish off Psimon until Kyd Wykkyd attacks Raven, Psimon opens a portal, and Kyd Wykkyd throws Raven into the portal where she is banished to an unknown location.
- Jericho is mute, but he is seen talking when he possesses Cinderblock and Private H.I.V.E. This suggests that when he possesses the bodies of others, he can use his host's vocal cords to speak.
- Robin often prefers the idea of splitting up to cover more ground, while Beast Boy often states they should stick together for the sake of being less vulnerable. This flaw of Robin's mindset was ultimately exploited to great effect by the Brain, proving that Beast Boy was right about sticking together.
- Ironically, the flawed mindsets of Robin and the Brain are not very different. In Robin’s case, splitting up proved to be a fatal mistake because it ultimately lead to the capture of nearly all the Titans and would have been their demise if it hadn’t been for Beast Boy’s leadership skills. However, in the Brain’s case, instead of splitting up, uniting every supervillain under one roof proved to be an idiotic mistake that lead to the downfall of the Brotherhood of Evil all at once.
- Madame Rouge monologues more than she does any effective fighting in the final battle.
- When the original Titans revealed themselves, Robin's stomach and form changes in his frozen form.
- The Brotherhood of Evil only managed to freeze twelve heroes: Hot Spot, Wildebeest, Speedy, Bushido, Tramm, Aqualad, Argent, Thunder, Lightning, Killowat, Robin, and Menos.
- The Titans that were victorious in their battles all had to face two villains, such as Pantha (Adonis and Atlas), Herald (See-More and Warp), and Jericho (Fang and Private H.I.V.E.). Beast Boy defeated Kardiak and an army from General Immortus, while Mas survived the attack by Johnny Rancid and Cinderblock.
- Kole's hair is a different shade of pink than in her previous appearances. This is probably due to the different lighting.
- This episode is also one where the title is said in the script; in this case, Beast Boy cries out "Titans Together!" following Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire arriving with reinforcements.
- Robin ends the episode with his signature battlecry, "Titans, Go!"
- Raven mentions Doctor Light's cowardice at the end of the episode, perhaps hinting that she enjoys scaring the living daylights out of the villain, as shown in "Nevermore", along with "Birthmark" where Doctor Light immediately surrenders at the sight of Raven.
- The H.I.V.E. Five assisted the Brotherhood of Evil in fighting the Titans despite not being part of the Brotherhood of Evil as revealed in episode "Lightspeed." In that episode, they were already a part of the Brotherhood, but seemed to have forgotten their membership. Oddly enough, they were uninterested in the Brotherhood in that episode, but in "Calling All Titans" and this episode, they assisted in taking down the Titans, which proved to be the fatale mistake Kid Flash was talking about.
- In this episode, there are some animation/script errors concerning untypical character appearances to be found. When the five remaining Titans confront the villains for the first time, another Pantha and Jericho can be spotted among the crowd of villains. Hot Spot is standing among the villains when the first phase of the battle was over, the Puppet King is with the Titans (picture above), and XL Terrestrial is with the Titans groaning at Beast Boy's joke.
- Although Raven is in her soul-self form when she is giving the communicator to Herald, the cold opening shows her with her normal body in his dimension.
- As the camera pans up to the four members of the Brotherhood, Monsieur Mallah's mouth was missing until it reappeared when he speaks.
- In the flashback of the beginning of the episode, Madame Rouge disguised herself as Hot Spot in his power form and got Robin's communicator and quickly turned back into her real form, but in "Trust", she got Robin's communicator disguised as Hot Spot's human form, waving good-bye to him, and smiling at him, evilly.
- When the Brotherhood of Evil were presenting Robin to be frozen, all of the villains' arms were cheering and Mammoth's arm was seen. Oddly enough, Mammoth was seen running with Andre Le Blanc, Adonis, and Private H.I.V.E. in the hall to see Robin getting frozen, instead of staying with his companions at the main base to watch Robin suffer. Even though he was knocked out by Pantha in the hallway, he strangely returned out of nowhere in the final battle.
- During the final battle, while Johnny Rancid was trying to escape, Argent uses her blasts to capture him. However, her blasts are shown to be the same fire blasts as Hot Spot's, instead of being red.
- When Speedy is frozen at the beginning, one of his arms shielding his face and the other at his side. When Madame Rouge shows the collection of frozen heroes, one of his hands is reaching in his quiver and the other is holding his bow.
- Although Kyd Wykkyd was in a heep pile with Gizmo, Mammoth and Billy Numerous; however, Kyd Wykkyd was seen in a different way in the frozen collection. Kyd Wykkyd strangely was kneeling on the first row, instead of being piled with his partners.
- The shape of Titans Tower near the end is a bit wider at the base than usual, this likely was an animation error.
- Right after Cyborg got thrown to stairs and as Kid Flash said "Sorry I'm late. I had to pick up a friend.", Cyborg's left ear turn from metal to human as he gets up and fights Control Freak.
- Also, after Cyborg and Control Freak watched Jinx take down the H.I.V.E. Five and while Cyborg said "Now that was unexpected.", his left ear turned human momentarily again. But after he turned his head and the camera cuts to him smirking, Cyborg's left ear turned back to metal again.
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