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Quote1It is our way. We are Newfu.Quote2
―The Source[src]

The Source (also known as the Supreme Creator) is the leader of a hostile alien race called Newfu and a special enemy of Beast Boy.

Character history[]

The Source was the leader of an alien task force which came to Earth to collect power sources for their technology - which happened to be plain live cows. In order to coordinate its activities, he disguised his mothership as a newly founded fast-food restaurant, Mega Meaty Meat. From there it sent out collector ships to collect cows from the outlying farms and created an entity from his own substance named Bob, who posed as the restaurant's manager to maintain their cover. After having collected enough cows, the Source intended to use a super weapon called Destruct-o-tron to destroy the Earth. To complete his disguise, the Source used his own body substance as a "nutritious meat-free" replacement for the scarce-growing beef.

The farm raids soon called the Teen Titans upon the scene, but each time they apprehended a collector vessel, it managed to give them the slip. At the same time, Beast Boy desired to improve his mobility by getting himself his dream vehicle: a moped. He tried his hands at various jobs, but the only offer still left for him was working at the Meaty Meat restaurant - a horror for a sworn vegan. Nevertheless, Beast Boy was quickly swayed when Bob offered him a special price: his very own dream moped, to be granted to the employee of the month.

Finally, Beast Boy discovered the restaurant's secret and learned of the Source's existence. In order to stop his plans, he kidnapped the Source and started interrogating him; while the Source would initially not reveal information on his own volition, Beast Boy managed to persuade it by threatening to eat it for lunch. Subsequently, Beast Boy singlehandedly succeeded in thwarting the alien scheme, but his efforts were somewhat nullified when his over stressed new B-Ped collapsed into a scrap pile and the Source was inadvertently consumed by a hungry Cyborg.

Later, after The Source's re-incarcerated in Cyborg, he was somehow released at the other end. The Brotherhood of Evil found him, revived him and allowed him to join the ranks of the Brotherhood along with his minions of Bobs. The Source and one of the Bobs made a cameo appearance among the recruits for the Brotherhood of Evil in "Homecoming - Part 2". The Source was not seen participating in the final battle, but was seen as one of the flash-frozen enemies.


The Source typically acts like a deranged, hammy and overconfident alien invader, who commands a squad of UFOs that fly through areas in search of cows. He created a legion of human-like Bobs sworn to carry out the insidious Newfu plot while fashioning meat-free burgers for "Mega Meaty Meat" on the side and deciding to destroy Earth just for fun. Certain his plan will prevail, the Source didn't count on Beast Boy uncovering and ruining it. The Source's main weakness and undoing is that he effectively passes for a large block of delicious tofu.

Power and abilities[]

Contrary to his gloating, the Source had only one significant ability: To create a theoretically limitless amount of Newfu to be shaped into an equally inexhaustible number of Bobs. Other than that, his capabilities were extremely limited.


Teen Titans[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

New Teen Titans shorts[]


Titans GO
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  • The creators of the series admitted that the episode "Employee of the Month" was made overly silly - even for Teen Titans standards - on purpose and later wondered what was going on in their minds at that time.
  • The Source seems to know what soybeans, meat and cows are. How he knows is never explained clearly.
  • The Source seems to share the same vocabulary and personality as Zim from Nickelodeon's Invader Zim. Indeed, Richard Horvitz himself was almost considered for the role, but was turned down at the audition because the producers believed that if he were hired for the part, it would create a situation where viewers would immediately recognize the character's voice and personality, so Rob Paulsen was cast instead.
Teen Titans
Robin | Cyborg | Starfire | Raven | Beast Boy
Titans East
Bumblebee | Aqualad | Speedy | Más y Menos
Titans North
Red Star | Argent | Kole | Gnarrk | Mirage | Flamebird
Titans South
Pantha | Herald | Jericho | Wildebeest | Hot Spot
Titans West
Bushido | Melvin | Teether | Timmy Tantrum | Bobby
Honorary Titans
Thunder and Lightning | Tramm | Kid Flash | Killowat | Jinx | Wonder Girl
Doom Patrol
Mento | Elasti-Girl | Negative Man | Robot Man
Terra | Silkie | Fixit | Larry | Geo-Force | Brotherhood of Justice
Slade | Trigon | Blackfire | Brother Blood | Cinderblock | Plasmus | Mumbo | Doctor Light | Puppet King | Trident | Red X | Mad Mod | Overload | Warp | Atlas | Control Freak | Katarou | Killer Moth | Kitten | Fang | Master of Games | Johnny Rancid | Professor Chang | Malchior | Kardiak | Adonis | Steamroller | Punk Rocket | Mother Mae-Eye | Private H.I.V.E. | Baron Ryang | Fire demons | Andre Le Blanc | Trogaar | Gordanian | Ding Dong Daddy | Ternion | XL Terrestrial | Psimon | Cheshire | Wrestling Star | Phobia | H.I.V.E. Headmistress | Wintergreen | I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. | Uehara Daizo | Brushogun | Kwiz Kid | Rock, Paper, Scissors
H.I.V.E. Five
Gizmo | Mammoth | Billy Numerous | See-More | Kyd Wykkyd
Brotherhood of Evil
The Brain | Monsieur Mallah | Madame Rouge | General Immortus
Brushogun's creations
Saico-Tek | Nya-Nya | Timoko | Scarface | Mecha-Boi | Deka-Mido
One-time villains
Ultimate fire demon | Red Raven | Sammy and Cash | Wicked Scary Monster | Cironielian Chrysalis Eater | Virus | Seven-Gorn-Seven | The Creature from Jones Lake | Off-World Outlaw | Krall | Witch | The Source | Bob | Locrix | Nega Cyborg | Nega Starfire | Nega Beast Boy | Gate Guard | Moroccan Thief | Radiation monster | White Monster | Arsenal | Daughter Blood | Ice Kate | Joy Stick | Kid Kold | Lanista | Mad Maud | Marionette | Pink X | Ravager | Tempest | COTP Droids | H.I.V.E. Soldiers | Demonic rats | Giant Monster
Agent 257 | Amber | Anchorman | Armadillo Man | Chef | Chu-hui | Dionne | French chef | Game show host | Joaquim | Little Boy | Mr. Wolf | Pelican | Raskov | Rebecca | Rorek | Sarah Simms | Sarasim | Space Hero | Spike | Steel City Tigers | The Mayor of Tokyo | Tokyo Girl
Tamaranean | Kai | Cron | Blue aliens | Red aliens | Green aliens | Orange aliens | Carnivorous plant | Galfore | Glgrdsklechhh | Soto | Soto's dog | Val-Yor | Shrieker | Shallas
Mind Control Squid | Chu-hui's Guardians | Utahraptors
Alien probe | Blocker | Brotherhood's robots | Cybot | Cyclones | Rex | Rexzilla | Robot Army | Robot Commandos
Teen Titans Go! comics characters
Aquagirl | Aquaman | Azrael | Batman | Battalion | Captain Pegleg Jack | Cassie Sandsmark | Cupid | Flamebird | Flash | Gill Girl | Golden Eagle | Green Lantern | Hawkgirl | Mirage | Nightwing | Robby Reed | Secret | Sultan of Shahrazad | Superman | The Flying Graysons | Wildfire | Wonder Woman