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The Prophecy is the 46th episode of the Teen Titans series and the 7th episode of the fourth season.


After their previous confrontation with Slade, the Titans begin to wonder why he has returned. Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg determine that the symbol on Slade's forehead is not from Earth.  Robin vows to find out what the symbol means.  Meanwhile, Raven is having a vision of the future, in which Slade taunts Raven by telling her time is running out.  Raven states that she is not afriad, to which Slade replies he is not the one she should be afriad of.  She denies the prophecy that she will destroy the world is true, and says she will not let it happen.  Slade tells her that it is what she was born to do, and visions of a destroyed and ruined Titans Tower, as well as views of Cyborg, Robin, Starfire and Beast Boy being held by little ghost type demons, turned completely to stone.  She awakens from the trance just as Robin comes to talk to her.  At this momement, an alarm sounds.

The Titans quickly rush to the scene (a section of the city scheduled for demolition) only to get easily beaten by Slade, who uses his demonic fire powers to his advantage. Slade has another message delivered; he explains: The "S" is the Mark of Scath and there's something at the library that provides even more information about Raven's destiny. The Titans travel to the abandoned city library, only to find another Mark of Scath, which reveals a secret underground path that leads to another chamber. In there, statues begin to speak of the prophecy and the "gem".

Shocked by the recent happenings, Raven leaves her teammates for the moment and travels to Azarath to speak with her mother Arella. Arella sadly explains that it is too late, and suddenly the whole place is revealed as an illusion, and the reality is that Trigon has already disposed of the city and killed its inhabitants.


Mark of Scath

Back at the library, the Titans find several more Marks of Scath that lead to a chamber where Slade awaits. He claims that the "gem" is missing and it will open the portal to bring Trigon to the mortal world.
Raven finally returns, glowing with the mark of Scath, and beats Slade down, refusing to accept her destiny and telling Slade to tell her father to destroy her before she assists him. The Titans are shocked at Raven's glowing appearance, and after she defeats Slade does she finally tell them her dark destiny: she is the daughter of Trigon the Terrible, also known as Scath, and that she is the "gem" that will summon the demon lord to Earth. Raven also reveals that her destiny is dark, and that it is impossible to change the inevitable. To her surprise, her teammates vow never to let the End of the World occur.

Meanwhile, Slade informs Trigon that the prophecy has been foretold which he then says that Slade may one day "reclaim what he lost" if he continues to prove himself.


  • Silkie makes a cameo in the episode. He jumps up and eats the red piece of food from the paper when it is thrown back.
  • Cyborg cries when the Titans are falling in the library.


  • Slade: (in video footage) It has begun.
  • Robin: Freeze! (Beast Boy pauses the video) Rewind.
  • Beast Boy: Dude, we've been looking at this thing all day. I'm telling you there's nothing else there.
  • Robin: There has to be. Play it again.
  • Beast Boy: (sighs) Slade, kicks butt. Take 304.
  • Robin: Cyborg, anything?
  • Cyborg: I cross-matched that symbol with every database on the planet.
  • Robin: And?
  • Cyborg: Nothing. Whatever it is, it's not from Earth.
  • Robin: New powers? Cryptic threats? Targeting Raven? Slade’s playing a whole new game now. And this symbol is the key. We will find out what it means.

  • Raven: Leave my friends out of this!
    Slade: I didn't bring them into this. You did.

  • Slade: (Points to the mark on his forehead) You want to know about this, don't you? How many sleepless nights have you spent trying to unravel its secrets? Well, let me put your mind at ease: it's called the Mark of Scath, and it's about to become very popular.

  • Raven's Skeletons: The gem was born of evil's fire. The gem shall be his portal. He comes to claim, he comes to sire. The end of all things mortal.

  • Slade: (About to kill 4 of the Titans) Trust me. This won't hurt a bit.
    (Raven appears)
    Raven: Wanna bet?

  • Raven: (Sees her mother in a tower and flies up to her) Arella! No wait! I've come back. Mother, please help me.
  • Arella: You always had a home here my child, but help we could not give.
  • Raven: (Pulls out her book) The prophecy. It's happening. You have to tell me how to stop it.
  • Arella: Nothing could be done. The promise of your birth was absolute.
  • Raven: I don't believe you! There has to be a way! I don't want to be this. I don't want to help him. Mother, I'm afraid.
  • Arella: You forever had the love of your people Raven. Even knowing what you would become and what that would bring. It is too late for Earth, just as it was too late for Azarath.
  • Raven: (the doves fly away only to reveal that Azarath has already been destroyed by Trigon and her "home" she visited was only an illusion. Raven was horrified at all of what has happened) No! (she then hears Trigon laughing evilly at her destroyed home)

  • Raven: I'm not afraid of you anymore!
    Slade: You may not fear me, but look who's afraid of you.

  • Raven: The ancient order used the name "Scath" to protect the true identity of their master. We know him as Trigon.
    Cyborg: Are you serious? That's who we're up against? Oh, man!
    Starfire: His cruelty is legendary, even on my world.
    Beast Boy: So, what makes you go all glowy in the dark?
    Raven: It's a warning. It means Trigon is coming, and the way he gets here is through me. I'm not just a person. I'm a portal.

Robin: But, Raven, why you?
Raven: Because...Trigon...is my father. (the Titans look at her in shock and disbelief) Bad things are gonna happen soon. Really bad things and it's all gonna be my fault. I thought I could handle this alone. I tried but I was wrong.
Starfire: For confiding in us, we are most humbled.
Cyborg: I only have one question: How do we stop him? Raven: We don't.
Beast Boy: But that doesn't mean we still can't try.

  • Slade: 'You know... I really love working for someone else. It allows me to be a little more hands on. '*Firing blasts of demonic fire at the Titans*
  • Slade: (Slade is jumping through the debris) Tick-tock, Raven. Time is running out. Raven: I'm not afraid of you! Slade: (shows up behind her) Silly girl, I'm not the one to be afraid of. You know that. Trigon: (fire pillars encircle around Raven) What you have concealed you shall become! Raven: (seperates the fire with her powers) It's a lie! I won't let this happen! I'll find a way! Slade: (Slade shows himself through the fire) Your optimism is really adorable, but you're forgetting one thing, Raven. (shows the city destroyed, the Titans Tower in ruins, and the townspeople along with her friends turned to stone) This is what you were born to do. You were sent here to destroy to Earth. Trigon: Your destiny will be fulfilled! The portal must be opened! (thunder claps and Raven wakes up from her meditation in fear)
  • Raven: (looking through her books) It's my destiny! There has to be a way to change it! I know there is! I just need a little help finding it. (continues to look through her books until she finds the symbol in one of them. She gasps in horror) No! This has to be wrong! Robin: (knocks on her door) Uh, any luck finding the symbol? Raven: (hides her book with the symbol on it under her bed) No, it's not in any of my books. Robin: (opens her door) Are you ok, Raven? You look a little, well, paler. Raven: It's nothing. I just haven't been able to meditate lately. That's all. Robin: Look, I know Slade scared you, but we'll find out why he was after you. Raven: Slade doesn't concern me. (the alarm goes off) Starfire: Friends, come quickly! (Robin rushes off while Raven follows him)

  • Raven: You might be able to stop me from meditating, but you can't stop me from leaving! Azarath Metrion Zinthos...Carazon Rakashas Enderez...Vaserix Endrien Azarath...Azarath, AZARATH!

  • Slade: The prophecy has been revealed. The portal has accepted her fate. Trigon: You served me well, Slade. Continue to please me and I shall honor our deal. I shall return what you have lost. Slade: I am depending on it.