And I thought they were ugly before.
- ―Cyborg[src]
Ternion is a fusion of Plasmus, Overload, and Cinderblock, created by Slade.
Character history[]
When Slade put his plans of conquering Jump City with the help of his new apprentice, Terra, in motion, he had her break the three monstrous villains Cinderblock, Plasmus, and Overload out of jail to split up the Titans and lure them into three separate ambushes.
The plan succeeded in its initial facet, but the Titans survived Terra's attempt on their lives and prepared to take her down. Striking from ambush, they terrified her so much that Slade sent in Cinderblock, Plasmus, and Overload to assist her. Using an unknown technology, he fused the three with each other, creating Ternion. However, Ternion was quickly taken down by a limpet charge placed on its back by Robin, and while incapacitated, the three 'component' villains were separated again, allowing them to go their own ways.
Powers and abilities[]
Ternion, to a certain (and undefined) extent, has the abilities of Plasmus, Overload, and Cinderblock in one body. Known abilities include:
- Superhuman strength and high resilience to physical and energy attacks (Cinderblock)
- Formation of extra pseudopods (Plasmus)
- Channeling electricity through those pseudopods (Overload)
- Ternion also appears as a boss in the Calling All Titans! game on the Cartoon Network website, and the Teen Titans video game. It should be noted that in the video game, the copy of Slade breaks the fourth wall by referring to him as the Ternion boss. At first, the Titans do not understand him and think that he is saying that he works for Ternion (which would not make any sense since Slade is an evil genius and Ternion is a mindless monster.)
- Ternion is an obscure word used to refer to a group of three, synonymous with trio or triad.