Teen Titans Wiki

Stranded is the 47th episode of Teen Titans series. It is an important episode in the growing friendship between Robin and Starfire.


After fighting a monster, Robin lightly punches Starfire saying 'nice job', who punches him back with her Tamaranean strength, saying 'I too admire your abundant limb strength.'


Cyborg teases Robin about 'your girlfriend' to which Robin screams, 'She is NOT my girfriend!' Starfire thinks he means she is not his friend and wants to ask him about it, but then the Teen Titans are attacked again and they depart on the T-ship. When Starfire asks again, Robin says 'Give me SPACE!' and makes Starfire very upset. When they are seperated and stranded on alien planets, Robin and Starfire have to come to terms about their feelings, while Cyborg and Beast Boy hilariously attempt to fix the T-Ship, with Cyborg attempting to simplify his technological lingo. Raven is completely deserted and surrounded by annoying, but cordial aliens.


Raven meet some aliens, who repeat some words of what she says and then say 'Shalla!', greatly annoying her. They also keep her from saying 'Azarath Metrion Zinthos' so she is unable to use her powers to escape.


  • Robin: (To Starfire, as they are about to jump over the cliff) Don't worry. (Takes Starfire's hand) As long as we're together, we'll be okay!
  • Cyborg: I'll make this simple. Start by attaching the thermal coupler to the volt relay meter.
    Beast Boy: Um, could you make it more simpler?
  • Starfire: Maybe our search would be successful if you search the left side of the planet, and I searched the right.
    Robin: But I don't wanna split up.
  • Robin: Don't separate. I repeat, DON'T separate.
    (Static garbles transmission, Titans hear "Separate. I repeat, separate.")
    Starfire: As you wish.
    (The T-Ship flies off in different directions)
    Robin: NOOOOOOOO!!
  • Cyborg: Let's go. Unless you want to stay here goofing around with your girlfriend!
    Robin: She's not my girlfriend!
    Starfire: I am not your friend? I am not a girl? If I am not your girlfriend, then what am I?
  • Robin: Starfire... what happened back there? Why couldn’t you fly?
    Starfire: Tamaranean powers are inclined by our emotions.
    Robin: So the way you feel affects your ability to fly.
    Starfire: And right now I feel unfamiliar confusion...
    Robin: But we’ve faced danger before without your powers failing.
    Starfire: It is not danger that confuses me, Robin. It is you. I do not understand... us.
    (Zoom in quickly to the Boy Wonder; a huge sweatdrop pops up at his temple, at her words)
    Starfire: Ever since Cyborg said the “girlfriend," things are different between us.
    Robin: (Trying to play it off) It’s... just a misunderstanding. Everything’s okay.
    Starfire: Everything is not okay. We are not okay. I fear we will never be okay again, and you will not tell me how you feel...
    (He approaches)
    Robin: (Tugging collar) Uh... y... I’m not very good at that.
    (She sniffles and wipes her nose, then turns to him)
    Starfire: Do Earth boys come with some kind of manual, then?
    Robin: (Smiling) That would make things easier.
    Starfire: How am I to know what you think about me?
    Robin: (Very rattled) Starfire... I think... uh... it’s... awesome... the way... you shoot starbolts.
    (Her eyes shine. Sight gag: hearts scroll past on a pink background behind her)
    Starfire: Yes? And?
    Robin: (From o.c., a bit more confidently) It’s, uh, also cool that you’re brave and the strongest girl ever.
    Starfire: And you do not mind having a friend who is a girl?
    Robin: (Smiling, taking her hands) Mind it? I - Actually, I kind of --
    (Space monster interrupts the little moment, as it crashes through the wall at this moment, ending the heartfelt love confession)