Teen Titans Wiki

Quote1Oh, yes. I am second in line for the throne.Perhaps I forget to mention...Quote2

Starfire is an alien princess from the planet Tamaran and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans.


Starfire was born and raised on the distant planet Tamaran before arriving on Earth and joining the Teen Titans. The Tamaraneans are an emotional race who see feelings as the force that drives their very livelihood. In fact, it's their emotions that fuel their natural abilities of flight and starbolt power. Because of this, Starfire is inherently the most sensitive member of the Titans.

Starfire was cared for as a child by Galfore, who first appeared in Betrothed. Starfire's only family of which we know in the series is her older sister Blackfire. Later, in the comic Teen Titans Go, it's revealed she also has a younger brother named Wildfire, who was sent away when the Gordanians attacked Tamaran, and that her parents died from grief after she was traded as a slave by Blackfire to the Gordanians in order to bring peace to war-torn Tamaran.

Starfire came to Earth as Koriand'r, alien princess being transported by the


Starfire meets Robin for the first time.

Gordanians, in exile as a slave to the Citadel. Through the use of her innate Tamaranean strength, she broke free from the brig aboard a Gordanian ship and landed in Jump City. While attempting to free herself of the handcuffs with which she had been laden, she ends up both destroying buildings and cars, and running into four young teenagers with whom she would later fight crime.

Raven suggested that fighting may not be the answer, and only then does Robin notice the handcuffs. Carefully, he talks the mysterious girl down and takes off the handcuffs. She grabbed and kissed him to learn the English language, and warns him to leave her alone if they do not wish to be destroyed. (This falls in line with how Tamaraneans in the comics learned language through touch, and suggests Starfire simply felt like kissing Robin as a preference). And then Cyborg said that she know how to leave a mark.

Once freed, she sought out food in the form of popcorn and candy at the local video store.

Having been tracked by the Titans, she reunited with them and fought off the wave of Gordanians sent to recapture her. Angered at Lord Trogaar 's promise of destruction, she yelled at Robin, reminding him that she told him to leave her alone. The two get into an argument, but the situation is quickly defused and the decision made to work as a team to save the city from the Gordanian's particle weapon.

Infiltrated the ship, she "brings a-pol-o-gy" and thanked him for the kindness shown. The five battled and defeated the Gordanian horde and Lord Trogaar. As the team stood on the island which would become their home, she finally told them her name in English, "Starfire," and asked for permission to stay on Earth, Robin told her that she is welcome on Earth.

Her clothing at the beginning of the episode Go! was identical to that of her sister Blackfire's, suggesting this may be the clothing of Tamaranean royalty. At the end of the episode, she changes into what she calls civilian clothing. Starfire wears this outfit for the rest of the series.

Starfire has many episodes devoted to her. Her arch nemesis is her older sister, Blackfire, whom, through jealousy or simply out of spite, is always trying to get rid of Starfire and get Robin to make her jealous.

Blackfire first appears in the episode Sisters, where she arrived on Earth to supposedly reunite with Starfire. Blackfire gave her sister a Centauri Moon diamond as a present. Blackfire seemed spiteful and possibly vindictive, but hides it as she slowly befriends all the Titans, endearing herself to them through sharing dark poetry, playing video games and teaching Robin alien martial arts and a variety of Tamaranian combat moves.

Seeing her older sister getting along so well with her friends, she decides to leave Earth, sure that her sister would be a much better Teen Titan. Robin catches her as she is leaving, asking why she hadn't said goodbye. Before she can say anything, however, she is captured by the Centauri Police, arrested for high crimes throughout the Centauri system.

Realizing the case of mistaken identity, Starfire bargained with the Centaurians, then quickly sought out her older sister, who just happened to be leaving Earth at that exact moment. Now Blackfire's true reason of coming to Earth was revealed: She tried to evade the Centauri Police and because she knew the Centauri police were after her, she deliberately gave her younger sister the moon diamond, which made her sister the wanted target instead of herself. During their confrontation, Blackfire asserts herself as having always been stronger, faster, and, all around, better than her sister. With a cry of "not anymore!" she takes her older sister down for what is apparently the first time. Blackfire is arrested and not seen again until Betrothed.


Starfire scaring a couple

In Transformation, Starfire went through Tamaranean puberty and starting growing horrible monster-like body parts. Not knowing she was one of the rare few who turned into a chrysalis during puberty, she left Earth. When a Tamaranean during puberty becomes a chrysalis, some do not survive after being eaten by creatures called Cyronielian Chrysalis Eaters.

By turning into a humanoid form, she lures Starfire into her clutches, but her attempt to devour her is interrupted by the other Titans. Starfire uses her newly-acquired ability and power of shooting bright green-colored beams out of her eyes to send the Chrysalis Eater to its death of being eaten by a monstrous plant.

Starfire was the first to befriend Terra in season 2, and one of those hurt most by her betrayal. While angered at Terra for this and for exploiting her natural loving kindness, she still wished to help Terra at the end of "Aftershock Part 2", and stated at her memorial service that she would miss her.

In season 3, Blackfire reappeared again, sending a message to Starfire that she would return to Tamaran in order to be married. Having not been to Tamaran for a while, she has been "having a bit of the sick-home feeling," and wished to see her planet dearly. Her happiness at her homecoming and reunion with her k'norfka, Galfore, are cut short when she finds Blackfire had escaped from prison and become Grand Ruler of Tamaran. If you listen closely to Galfore when they first see each other again, you can hear him say Koriand'r.

True to her nature, Starfire was willing to sacrifice her happiness to do what is right for her home planet, agreeing to marry Glgrdsklechhh, an exalted Schlurch, because she believed it would stop the apparent war going on.

When it was discovered that the exalted Schlurch of the Swamp Moons of Drenthax IV really does not have an army parked outside the castle, Starfire challenged her sister for the crown. The two once again fought, and once again Starfire was victorious. Wishing to stay on Earth, she appointed Galfore as Grand Ruler.

She acquired a pet moth, Silkie, from Beast Boy in Season 3, whom she loves dearly, and frequently takes on walks around the Tower. The two also dine on Zorkaberries from Tamaran whenever they can, as it is Silkie's favorite food.


Starfire fighting Kitten.

While Robin sought out what was left of Raven in Season 4, Starfire stayed with Beast Boy and Cyborg, fighting first Trigon and later, the most evil part of herself. While Starfire is caring and kind, Starfire's evil self is cold, calculating, and vindictive. None of the Titans could defeat themselves, and it is she who figures out that they could defeat each other's evil selves. It is Starfire who defeats Cyborg's evil self, while Beast Boy defeats her evil self.

In Season 5, Starfire befriended the young Russian, Red Star. Lost in a snowstorm, he rescued her and the two bond over a traditional Russian soup. Starfire wished to help Red Star use his powers to help the village and wanted him to come out of his self-enforced isolation. Knowing he is truly a good person, she defended his honour against the insults hurled by General Raskov. After Red Star defeated a creature created from his radioactive output, he asks Starfire to take him to space because of a change occurring inside him. While Red Star burned brightly as a red star in the sky, Starfire was convinced he would come back and return their kindness "...someday."

In "Calling All Titans!" she delivered Argent's communicator to her and was the one to respond to Argent's call for help. Though she was too late to help Argent, she was attacked by Kitten and Killer Moth, the two of whom took great pride in their act of revenge. She, however, was not captured and resurfaced with Red Star and Bumblebee at the Brotherhood of Evil's hideout in Paris, helping free her friends and taking part in the final fight against the Brotherhood.

Despite being born into a royal family, Starfire knows about other forms of government, such as the constitutional republic known as the United States (as seen in Revolution when she is looking at and praising the Declaration of Independence).

In Trouble in Tokyo, she and Robin share various moments together. At one point Robin and Starfire are about to kiss when Robin tells her that they cannot be "more" than heroes, too focused on his mission to apprehend Brushogun to discuss their feelings for each other. Starfire then becomes upset and flies away.

Later, when Starfire and Robin are caught in the rain after defeating the villain Uehara Daizo, Robin admits that he was wrong before. That maybe a hero wasn't all that he was, and that maybe he...we- could be "more", but Starfire interrupts him saying "Robin- stop talking" and they both lean in and share a passionate kiss, with their friends around them saying things like 'it's about time', implying that they all knew they were going to get together one day. The movie ends with Robin and Starfire holding hands, happy with each other's presence.


Starfire is happy, pretty, naive and somewhat insecure, but her naivete is


Starfire is filled with love for her teammates

not to be mistaken for stupidity, though it is this naivete that endears her to others, especially to Robin. She and Robin are the closest out of all the Titans, and he takes time out to explain the ways of Earth to her. An alien and an outsider, she is still rather new to Earth and its customs. (For example, she did not understand what a boy meant when he asked if she was "Diggin' the scene" when she was at a party, and stated, confused, "I did not know we were supposed to bring shovels.") This leads to much confusion for her and others, such as the awkwardness in casually drinking mustard and thinking cotton candy and cotton balls are the same thing. This strange behavior has made leeway for a LOT of comedy throughout the series. She takes friendship very seriously, and is easily distressed when others, especially her friends, argue or fight.

She is arguably the most social of the Titans, regularly meditating with Raven, or lifting weights with Cyborg. Above all, she wishes to be friends with everyone she meets, and for everyone to get along. She also insists on sharing her own customs with other members of the team (such as providing a crown of raw meat to be worn on one's birthday), but doesn't generally take offence when they don't understand or refuse her. In one instance, she lies about a holiday celebrated by destroying drapery and blows up a window to explain an accidentally torn curtain; an act that barely registers as odd behavior by the others. Presumably because English is not her first language, Starfire speaks without contractions, and misuses idioms (e.g. "Kick the butt!" as opposed to "Kick butt!" or "The mall of shopping" instead of "shopping mall" as well as "lobstery" instead of "crabby"). Additionally, she uses several Tamaranean nouns, such as "bumgorf" (term of endearment towards one's own child), "K'norfka" (parent or guardian), "clorbag valblernelk" (insulting term), "G'lufnog" (bless you; said after one sneezes), and "shlorvak" (dream).


Starfire watching fireworks in awe

Starfire's personality changed dramatically from her first meeting with the Titans. In "Go!" she demonstrated her immense power and strength as she escaped from the Gordanian ship. While others saw rampant destruction without a cause, Raven saw her trying to free herself from her handcuffs. As mentioned above, it seems Tamaraneans learn language through lip contact, and having gotten what she wanted from Robin, she leaves him with a warning to leave her alone, knowing full well that the Gordanians were still hot on her trail.

As she fought against the Gordanians with the four other young heroes, her personality calmed dramatically, and she eventually apologized for the destruction she had caused during her escape.

This change in behaviour suggests Starfire truly was, at heart, the friendly, warm-hearted character we had known since the first episode. The reckless behaviour seen in the beginning of the episode might lend some credence to why Tamaraneans are so feared throughout the galaxy -- their strength is not easily matched. It also proves that Starfire is much, much stronger than she lets on and, when the time is needed, she's not afraid to "Kick the butt".

While naive, she is extremely perceptive, and was the first to realize Robin


Starfire getting scared of Mother-Mae-Eye

was Red X. When the other Titans got angry, she kept her cool and scolded him calmly and rationally. While knowing he and Slade had similar personalities, she refused to believe he had gone to be Slade's apprentice of his own accord, spending hours looking for him in "Apprentice Part 2." Later in the episode she states that she "cannot live in a world where they must fight," showing that she values her friends more than anything.

Her relationship with Robin is extremely important to her, and throughout the series the two have continued to build up their relationship.


Starfire & Robin


Robin and Starfire's first true kiss in Trouble in Tokyo.

Robin has been Starfire's love interest since they first met. She enjoys Robin's teachings to no end and they get along well together. Robin would do anything to assure Starfire's happiness, even if it doesn't include him. Starfire is very pretty, and boys, such as Red X, occasionally flirt with her. In Betrothed, Starfire's last words were, "...I shall choose my own husband. Who is to know? Perhaps there is a groom for me on Earth," as she surrenders the crown of Tamaran to accompany her friends back to Earth. There are also other big hints throughout the show that Robin likes her, such as in the episode, "Apprentice II," Robin fights and easily defeats the other Titans like Slade commands him to, but when Starfire is the last one, he refuses to strike her down.

Throughout the series there have been several episodes, such as "Betrothed", "Stranded", "Sisters", and "Date with Destiny", that were crucial to the growing romance between Starfire and Robin. Starfire often gets jealous when other girls flirt with Robin, such as Blackfire and Kitten.

Starfire prom

Starfire in her prom dress in "Date with Destiny.

In the episode "Detention" when Mad Mod is explaining to Starfire about why her starbolts are not working, Robin becomes protective and tells Mad Mod to get away from her, proving that he cares for Starfire.

In the movie Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo, Robin becomes jealous after Starfire kisses a boy to learn Japanese. When they are on the rooftop of a building, they discuss the topic and its uses on Tamaran and Earth. When they are about to kiss, Robin states that they can be nothing more than heroes since he is too focused on his mission. This greatly upsets Starfire. After Starfire saves Robin, they share another tender moment and they attempt to kiss again, but Beast Boy and the other Titans barge in on them. When they defeat Commander Daizo, Robin saves Starfire and he tells her that they can be more than heroes and they kiss, much to the satisfaction of the other Titans. In the end, Robin and Starfire are seen tenderly holding hands, happy with each other's presence.

Starfire & Cyborg

Cyborg acts as an older brother to Starfire. He can always cheer her up and it seems that they both work out together considering his human/robot strength and her alien strength. In the episode "Troq", Cyborg asks about the word "Troq". Starfire then tells him the meaning of the word "Troq", and he helps her, as he is able to relate to her feeling of discrimination (technology side of him). In "Deception", when Cyborg is human and wanting to be one again, Starfire says she likes him as half robot better. The two get along often and care for each other like family.

Starfire & Raven


Starfire and Raven startled by Beast Boy's sudden appearance

Raven has not really liked that Tamareanan optimist Koriand'r until the episode "Switched" where they had their bodies swapped and were forced to learn more about who the other was and how to control their new powers for the moment. After that Raven and Starfire are seen meditating together in some episodes and they hang out when the boys are together. Sometimes if Starfire is worried about a girl thing or too embarrassed to talk to Robin, she talks to Raven like in episode Transformation. One thing the two have in common is that they both fawned over Aqualad together in "Deep Six". In "Titans Together" and "Every Dog Has His Day" Starfire and Raven combine their powers to stop the Brotherhood of Evil. Despite their rocky start at the beginning and their different traits, the girls have become close.

Starfire & Beast Boy

Just as Cyborg serves as an older brother to Starfire, Beast Boy tends to act as her younger brother. He sometimes oversteps himself by taking his pranks too far and being insensitive about matters that are serious to Starfire, but the two are very close and trust each other in battle. Beast Boy has learned good things from Starfire. In the episode "Forces of Nature", BB plans to get the dirt on Cyborg for pranking him, by throwing an oil balloon in Cy's face. When the balloon accidentantly hits Starfire, an angry Starfire chooses to ignore BB; They soon reunite. BB realizes that Star taught him to be a good person. Starfire laughs at all of Beast Boy's jokes, even though they aren't funny and she doesn't get most of them, but they remain family, and Starfire is the first person of choice Beast Boy would entrust a very delicate secret to. In Can I Keep Him?, Beast Boy trusts Starfire to help hide his secret pet Silkie from the other Titans, and it is during this episode she forms her maternal bond to Silkie.

Starfire and Blackfire

Blackfire, Starfire's older sister, hates Starfire due to the fact that Starfire bethroned her on Tamaran, and left the crown to Galfore. Blackfire always challenged her to fighting, yet Starfire has defeated her several times. After that, has been sent to prison. Yet Starfire, being the forgiving person that she is, always seems willing to make peace with her older sister no matter how many times Blackfire has been a jerk to her.

In Teen Titans GO Issue #46, Blackfire hired Madame Rouge to kill Starfire by masquerading as their long-lost younger brother, Wildfire. This attack ultimately failed and Starfire finally snapped. Deeply, emotionally hurt that Blackfire resorted to staging their lost brother's "return" for the mere sake of revenge, Starfire went to Blackfire's prison and declared that Blackfire was no longer her older sister, and vows that she will find her long-lost younger brother, Wildfire, as he is the only family she has left.

Starfire and Terra

When they first met, Starfire secretly had Terra like Beast Boy did and would often compete with him to hang out with or hug Terra. This becomes a recurring joke in the Teen Titans Go! comic book series, which is based on the animated series. Starfire suddenly becomes hurt and angry after Terra betrays them to Slade, and she continuously blames herself and thinks herself a fool for permitting to be tricked by Terra over and over again. She eventually drops all remorse for Robin when Terra knocks her off a cliff with a boulder. Finally, when Terra overcomes her devotion to Slade and kills him, but subsequently turns to stone while trying to stop a volcano from erupting, Starfire is saddened, but proud of Terra's heroic sacrifice. She brings flowers to Terra's memorial/grave. Like the other Titans, Starfire is confused about whether or not Terra has truly returned.

Starfire and Red X

Red X has shown an interest in Starfire, seeing as he flirted with her briefly during their fight in the episode X. He had called her "cutie" and implied that they should go out. Starfire rejects him however, by blasting him with her bright green-colored laser eye beams.

Powers and Abilities

Starfire's abilities and powers are directly controlled by her emotional state; to use them she must consciously access a given emotion. To fly she must feel "unbridled joy", to throw bright green-colored starbolts she must feel "righteous fury", and to utilize her superhuman strength she must feel "boundless confidence".

Abilities and Powers

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Starfire's bright green-colored Starbolt

  • Faster-Than-Light Flight: Starfire (as well as other Tamaraneans) can fly under her own power, without the aid of wings or any other applications. In space, this flight can achieve speeds much faster than light. It is said that this is used by great happiness.
  • Bright-Green Energy Projection: Starfire can project bright green glowing energy from her hands. She mainly uses this attack by throwing small bursts of pure bright green energy from her hands, known as "starbolts". She has also been shown to shoot this energy in the form of large beams. The amount of pure energy she can produce at one time can extend to enormous proportions, as seen in "The End Part 1", where she creates the largest starbolt seen in the series. After going through
    File:Starfire's Power.png

    Starfire's extremely strong and powerful bright green-colored starbolt blast

    the Tamaranean version of puberty (referred to as the "Transformation"), she gained the incredibly strong, powerful, and useful power/ability to channel her bright green starbolt energy through her eyes as thick, large narrow laser beams known as Heat Vision (sort of like Superman), which is largely reserved as a surprise attack, or when her limbs are restrained.
    • Bright Green Energy Spheres: On rare occasions, Starfire has been shown to create a complete sphere of energy around her. Whether she can use this as a form of defense, however, is not known.
    • Bright Green Energy Explosions: In "Betrayal" Starfire shows the ability to create a sudden explosion of bright green glowing energy around her, having the immense and highly destructive capability to blow away any enemies in the perimeter of the blast.
  • Self-Sustenance: Starfire also has the ability to survive in the vacuum of space without any sort of protection or survival gear. She also doesn't get as cold as others and will be unharmed by very cold weather (she collapsed onto the snow in Snowblind probably due to fatigue rather than the cold).
  • Invulnerability: Starfire has demonstrated moderate invulnerability to physical harm, heat, cold, and radiation. In Go!, when Robin smacked her with his staff, it completely shattered into smithereens!
  • Superhuman Strength: Starfire has great strength and it appears to be considerably greater than Cyborg's. In the prequel episode, "Go!", she could shake the entire city (or at least a large part of it) by slamming her fists on the ground.
  • Strange Tamaranian Physiology: Starfire is known to have an abnormally long, purple tongue and nine stomachs, presumably for storing additional food for meager times.
  • Language Assimilation: Starfire can learn any language instantaneously through lip contact. She can currently speak English, Tamaranean, and Japanese. It is unknown if Tamaraneans learn any languages at all by regular physical contact other than a kiss.
  • Accelerated Healing Factor: Somewhere in the middle of the episode, GO!, during her fight with Robin, she cracked her neck to rid the pain in her back (after being smashed into a car).


  • Immense Agility: Starfire has shown great agility over the known human standards. Although not as agile as Robin she has shown great agility without any known training. In the episode Forces of Nature she was seen doing many backflips and back handsprings on top of a building while dodging Lightning's energy blasts. She was also seen running up a vertical building in the same episode to dodge Lightning's energy blasts.
  • Exceptional Fighting and Combat Skills:Starfire displayed some great fighting skills. Even when hand cuffed, she could hold her own against a handful of Gordanians and even the Titans when first came to Earth.


Main article: Starfire's Allergies
  • Starfire, like many Tamaraneans, is allergic to Metallic Chromium. When she sneezes, she unleashes explosive snot out her nose and mouth. This may be considered a weakness.
  • Starfire and Robin's relationship could easily be considered a weakness- either of them could easily be manipulated by threatening or harming the other.
  • Starfire's powers are based on her emotions, so when she is emotionally confused - such as in Stranded, when she couldn't fly - her powers are more likely to not work properly.

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