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"Sisters" is the second episode of season one and the overall second episode of the Teen Titans series.


Starfire's older sister Blackfire comes to Earth for a visit, while at the same time Starfire herself is getting attacked by an alien probes sent out to capture her. Starfire is happy to see Blackfire, but Blackfire being everything Starfire could not, quickly starts to take her place on the team. Feeling they do not need her anymore, Starfire starts to think of leaving Earth for good. Will Starfire say goodbye to the Teen Titans, will Robin be able to change her mind or is there more to Blackfire than meets the eye?


Deep in outer space, four pink rockets appear and split up in search of a target. One of them searches Earth and arrives in Jump City on the night of a fireworks show. That night, the Teen Titans are enjoying the amusement pier and Robin and Starfire are watching the fireworks from the top of a Farris Wheel. Starfire is commenting how amazing Earth is compared to her home world and they share a wad of cotton candy. During the fireworks finale, things get urgent when Starfire is suddenly ensnared by the pink rocket, revealing itself to be an alien probe and her to be what it was hunting for.

Starfire manages to break free from its grip, but her efforts at apprehending it seem in vain. The rest of the team manage to succeed in fighting it off and Robin manages destroys it by breaking into its power supply and ripping out its vital cables, causing it to explode in the fireworks finale. But in the end, Starfire is left wondering where it came from and what it wanted with her in the first place.

They return to Titans Tower, to discover Starfire's ultra-hip and swaggadocios older sister, Blackfire, has stopped by Earth for a visit. In honor of her visit, she gives her a Centauri Moon Diamond, a hexagon-shaped emerald neckless from the Centauri Moons. Starfire is initially overjoyed to see her elder sister and she is delighted to meet her friends, however her sisterly feelings change when Blackfire is well-received by the other Titans, especially when she tells them about her recent narrow escape from a black hole on her way to Earth, and Starfire feels like a 6th wheel.

Meanwhile, back in outer space, the other three alien probes return to the spaceship that deployed them earlier. The two armored pilots realize their target is on Earth when they notice the probe that they sent to Earth didn't return like the other three did.

Back in the Tower, Starfire tries socializing with Blackfire, but her attempts to restore her team's interest in her prove futile, and only sees the others getting further impressed by her. She teaches Robin alien martial arts that Starfire does not know, she impresses Raven with surprisingly grim poetry during open mic night at her favorite depressing café, and she proves herself as a video game wizard when Cyborg and Beast Boy are engaged in an epic tournament deciding which one of them will be playing her for the title. While attempting to spark the Titans' interest by having a movie night, Blackfire steals the attention by inviting them to a disco (and wearing her clothes) downtown in the warehouse district. All the Titans follow her lead while Starfire just feels left even further behind now that Blackfire has borrowed her look, along with her friends.

At the party, Blackfire has no hesitation making herself the queen of the spectacle, much less encouraging the others to follow her lead. However, Starfire is left alone yet again when the other Titans cut their rugs and find partners, and Starfire's lack of confidence around other people does nothing but embarrass herself to the other party goers.

Back on the spaceship, the alien pilots deploy all three of the remaining probes to capture their target.

Eventually, Star goes to the roof and questions whether or not she belongs on Earth. Robin finds her and Starfire vents her insecurities about Blackfire's visit. She is happy to see her, but lately Blackfire's basically felt like she's the better version of Starfire and she could never compare to what Blackfire is. Robin tries to talk to her to confirm that she's nothing like Blackfire in the positive sense, but Blackfire appears with a pink wig and drags him off back to the dancefloor when her song is playing (literally). Starfire is once again left alone with her insecurities, but also, the probes, which arrive and manage to overwhelm her. Beast Boy informs Cyborg that he sees the battle through the skylights on the dancefloor and a battle ensues inside the building. When they try to make their escape with Starfire, the Titans come to her rescue and Blackfire destroys all the probes in one fell swoop with light purple-colored blackbolts from her eyes. When Robin asks her how she knew right where to aim, she replies with a hint of a smile that it was just a lucky guess. Cyborg remarks that they need that kind of luck and offers Blackfire a spot on the team. Starfire, who is still recovering from the attack, gasps in utter shock.

Starfire is sad about this at first, but then comes to the decision that the team will be better off without her and decides to leave Earth without saying goodbye. Just when she is about to, Robin appears and starts to talk to her but just then, the aliens who sent the probes show up, snatch up Starfire and drag her onto their ship by force. They claim to finally have their target and prepare to haul her to Centauri to stand trial. Robin attacks their ship before it leaves orbit and the battle winds up wrecking its propulsion system. Robin sets Starfire free before it crashes, and the other Titans show up and prepare to battle. However, things come to an unexpected impasse when the aliens flash official badges and introduce themselves as Centauri police officers on official business to capture a Tamaranean girl who is a liar, a thief, and is guilty of committing high crimes throughout the entire Centauri System. Their lead all along was Starfire because she's obviously a Tamaranean, but she confesses that while she is so, she has never even been to the Centauri Moons. However, the Titans know of another Tamaranean who has been to Centauri. Seeing the Centauri Moon diamond around Starfire's neck, Robin realizes they must be talking about Blackfire. The whole truth comes out right in front of Starfire's eyes; She and the others have been manipulated and tricked by an intergalactic fugitive and the pink probes from before were hunting her down the entire time. Robin returns the diamond to the police and told them that they have been chasing the wrong girl and wonders where Blackfire is. When they see her flying away trying to escape Earth, Starfire flares up and gets after her sister. When she confronts her, she reveals that she knows all about Blackfire's underhanded tactics; The diamond Blackfire gave her was never a present, it was stolen and given to Starfire to use both her and it as bait and she was only pretending to be the Titans' friend so she could get away with her crimes on Centauri while Starfire would be the patsy who took her place in prison. When Starfire demands her sister to return what she has stolen and turn herself over to the police, Blackfire refuses and does not hesitate to strike her down with her blackbolts. She puts up a good fight, but ultimately turns out to be no match for Starfire. The battle is cut short when she is ensnared and taken away by the Centauri Police. Starfire admits that beyond the unforgivable act of betrayal, it was still nice to see her older sister, only for her to swear revenge in bitter retaliation.

The scene changes, and Starfire is shown sitting alone when Robin joins her. Starfire is sad that Blackfire is gone but is relieved that the truth was discovered before she was replaced. Robin does not understand her at all until Starfire explains that she thought she was going to be left behind because of how much fun everyone was having with her and pretty much thought it was confirmed when Cyborg offered her a spot on the team. However, Robin breaks the misunderstanding by encouraging her and saying that whatever interesting qualities Blackfire had, she was nothing compared to the Starfire they all know and love, and that no one will ever be able to replace her, which unearths a smile on her face.


Main characters[]

Supporting characters[]


Other characters[]



  • All Tamaraneans look like Starfire with the orangish skin, green eyes and red hair. Although, Blackfire seems to look different than the rest of her kind. This is likely a reference to her comic counterpart being born deformed by Tamaranean standards.
    • In the comics, all Tamaraneans have the ability to fly, but Blackfire could not because of an illness. Also, they were imprisoned together on the Gordanian ship, and they were subjected to a number of experiments which gave them their energy bolts (and Blackfire's ability to fly).


  • Referring to the fact that Starfire and Blackfire are sisters.


  • This episode features the first appearance of Blackfire, and the only appearance of the Centauri police.
  • In this episode, Titans Tower is shown to be somewhere near the Great Lakes by the Centauri police. However, in "Homecoming - Part 2", it is shown to be in California. The location in this episode may just be an continuity error.
  • In "Date with Destiny", Robin says that he danced once and disliked it. But in this episode, he is shown dancing with the other Titans except Starfire and he doesn't show any hatred, meaning the former was likely just a failed excuse to not dance with Kitten. Although, he could be referring to a different experience that ended in disaster that merely hasn’t been mentioned.
  • This is the first episode focusing on Robin and Starfire's mutual romantic feelings for each other.
  • The fireworks in this episode are 3D animated. This is the first episode to use 3D animation.
  • When the scene cuts from Starfire being attacked by the other 3 alien probes to Cyborg and Beast Boy dancing, the girl on Beast Boy’s left side bares a striking resemblance to Madam Rouge.


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Cyborg's ear is human again...

  • Before Cyborg grabbed the alien probe, we can see his left ear is human instead of metal.
    • After he grabbed the thing's tentacles, we can also see the circuitry part on the right side of his bald head is missing.
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...and he's missing one circuitry part on his head.

  • When Starfire shot a bright green starbolt at a drone, she did no damage whatsoever. However, when Blackfire used her light purple eye-beams, she easily destroyed both drones in seconds. This is likely because of Blackfire's energy-projection abilities being much stronger than Starfire's bright green ones.
  • When Kai told the Titans that they're all under arrest, Starfire's armband disappears. When Cron said that Starfire had committed high crimes throughout Centauri and Starfire said she'd never been to Centauri, her armband reappears. Then when Robin gave Kai and Cron the stolen diamond Blackfire gave Starfire and said they've been chasing the wrong girl, Star's armband disappears again. Then when Starfire and Robin are talking on the roof when she first folds her arm she has her armband. When she unfolds them her armband disappears for the rest of the episode.
  • At the end of the episode when Starfire and Robin were speaking, she is depicted with her gloves on, but Robin tells Starfire that nobody could replace her, Starfire is seen without her gloves.
  • When Starfire tries to recite her six thousand verses of Gratitude, Cyborg's eyes are both normal ones. This was more than likely done to promote comedy; his robotic eye's pupil was colored red, so this may have been intentional. However, this may just be an animation error.
  • When Beast Boy and Cyborg are playing the racing video game, Beast Boy is in front even before Cyborg says that he passed him.
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Cyborg lost the circuitry on his head again.

  • When Blackfire makes her way among the crowd and says "Step aside, Earthlings, the queen of the galaxy has arrived!", her mouth was gone for a split-second.
  • In the shot of Starfire and Robin after the drone was destroyed, her armband is on the left side rather than the right.
  • When Blackfire sits on the sofa, Cyborg's circuitry part on the right side of his bald head is missing again on his head. We only see it misplaced near his head.
  • Also when Blackfire sits on the sofa, Beast Boy's costume appears partly purple instead of pink.
  • During the fight with Starfire and Blackfire, when Blackfire launches countless Volleys of Starbolts her armored leggings are discolored as her skin color.
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Blackfire shown with a navel.

  • In one scene, when Blackfire is wearing one of Starfire’s spare outfits without her armor, Blackfire is animated with a navel.


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