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Quote1We've got a planet to save. Doom Patrol! Move out!Quote2

Mento (or Steve, as his teammates call him) is the leader of the revered Doom Patrol.

Character history[]

Mento and his teammates Elasti-Girl, Robot Man, and Negative Man, have continued to thwart the evil plans of The Brain and his Brotherhood of Evil from time to time. Before Beast Boy became a Teen Titan, Mento put him through the hoops and never fully regarded Beast Boy as a core member of the Doom Patrol. Their relationship was uneasy because of Mento's harsh, critical and inflexible attitude, which was the eventual reason Beast Boy quit the Doom Patrol.

When the Doom Patrol had been captured following their investigation of the Brotherhood's latest scheme, a pre-programmed messenger probe summoned Beast Boy and his new teammates, the Teen Titans, to the scene. Even though they managed to save the Doom Patrol from certain annihilation, Mento berated Beast Boy from letting the Brotherhood get away again, and in order to meet them at full fighting strength, he drafted Beast Boy back into the Patrol's ranks but refused the Titans' assistance, claiming that only the Doom Patrol was qualified enough to deal with them. However, this was what the Brain had anticipated, and in the course of their approach to the Brotherhood's base, the Patrol was worn down one by one until only Mento and Beast Boy were left. Beast Boy finally rebelled against Mento's stubbornness, forcing him to reconsider his ways.

With the lost Doom Patrol members rescued by the Titans, the two teams eventually managed to defeat the Brotherhood once again, When they parted ways, Mento expressed his respects to the Titans and promised the Doom Patrol's assistance against the Brotherhood in the future.


As the Doom Patrol's leader, Mento acts as a sort of surrogate father figure to Beast Boy. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that he has any fondness toward his green protegee, as he openly shows high expectations and is very strict when dealing with him. He seems to value Beast Boy only when his help is needed. Despite this, Beast Boy still shows a measure of reverence towards Mento, even after years of gaining his independence while being with the Teen Titans. This is most likely because Beast Boy still wishes for Mento to appreciate him for what he is.

Unlike his adoptive son Beast Boy, Mento is a highly mature man.

One of Mento's personal flaws is that he is very arrogant; he initially refuses the Teen Titans' offering of aid simply because he believed that only the Doom Patrol would be able to handle the dangers the Brotherhood of Evil posed. However, he partly seems to refuse the help from the young heroes because he did not want them to be in the danger, recalling to Beast Boy that the sworn oath (to stop the Brotherhood of Evil) of the Doom Patrol should only be limited to the members of the patrol themselves and that he can't ask the same thing to the titans.

In combat, Mento tends to be strict and straightforward, determined to get the mission done whatever the cost (this attitude may have softened and ended since his first encounter with the Teen Titans and Beast Boy's admonition). Though Mento considers the Doom Patrol his family, he puts completing missions as the top priority. This rough attitude, however, does not seem to be a problem for the rest of the patrol, as they are more than willing to sacrifice themselves if it means to succeed in their mission.

Despite his strict discipline that alienated Beast Boy from the Doom Patrol, he can appear cowardly when he got tortured by the Brain.

Powers and abilities[]

In battle, Mento wields incredible mental powers that can (through the use of his special helmet) be used as destructive blasts of energy. He is also capable of reading another individual's mind, as well as psychically inducing sleep upon them. Mento is even capable of remotely viewing nearby places and projecting his psionic energy in the form of a small force field to deflect energy and physical assault. Mento is also capable of levitation as shown in "Homecoming - Part 1" when he confronts Beast boy.


Teen Titans[]

Season 5[]

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  • In the DC comics, Mento wasn't a founding member of the Doom Patrol nor was he the leader. He built his helmet to impress Elasti-Girl, but his boasts got on Robot Man and Negative Man's nerves. Eventually, he and Elasti-Girl were married, and they adopted Beast Boy. After Elasti-Girl's death at the hands of Madame Rouge, he became mentally unstable and temporarily evil. Although this was eventually reversed, his marriage to Elasti-Girl, who had been revived, fell apart after discovering he regularly used his mind-reading powers on her.
Teen Titans
Robin | Cyborg | Starfire | Raven | Beast Boy
Titans East
Bumblebee | Aqualad | Speedy | Más y Menos
Titans North
Red Star | Argent | Kole | Gnarrk | Mirage | Flamebird
Titans South
Pantha | Herald | Jericho | Wildebeest | Hot Spot
Titans West
Bushido | Melvin | Teether | Timmy Tantrum | Bobby
Honorary Titans
Thunder and Lightning | Tramm | Kid Flash | Killowat | Jinx | Wonder Girl
Doom Patrol
Mento | Elasti-Girl | Negative Man | Robot Man
Terra | Silkie | Fixit | Larry | Geo-Force | Brotherhood of Justice
Slade | Trigon | Blackfire | Brother Blood | Cinderblock | Plasmus | Mumbo | Doctor Light | Puppet King | Trident | Red X | Mad Mod | Overload | Warp | Atlas | Control Freak | Katarou | Killer Moth | Kitten | Fang | Master of Games | Johnny Rancid | Professor Chang | Malchior | Kardiak | Adonis | Steamroller | Punk Rocket | Mother Mae-Eye | Private H.I.V.E. | Baron Ryang | Fire demons | Andre Le Blanc | Trogaar | Gordanian | Ding Dong Daddy | Ternion | XL Terrestrial | Psimon | Cheshire | Wrestling Star | Phobia | H.I.V.E. Headmistress | Wintergreen | I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. | Uehara Daizo | Brushogun | Kwiz Kid | Rock, Paper, Scissors
H.I.V.E. Five
Gizmo | Mammoth | Billy Numerous | See-More | Kyd Wykkyd
Brotherhood of Evil
The Brain | Monsieur Mallah | Madame Rouge | General Immortus
Brushogun's creations
Saico-Tek | Nya-Nya | Timoko | Scarface | Mecha-Boi | Deka-Mido
One-time villains
Ultimate fire demon | Red Raven | Sammy and Cash | Wicked Scary Monster | Cironielian Chrysalis Eater | Virus | Seven-Gorn-Seven | The Creature from Jones Lake | Off-World Outlaw | Krall | Witch | The Source | Bob | Locrix | Nega Cyborg | Nega Starfire | Nega Beast Boy | Gate Guard | Moroccan Thief | Radiation monster | White Monster | Arsenal | Daughter Blood | Ice Kate | Joy Stick | Kid Kold | Lanista | Mad Maud | Marionette | Pink X | Ravager | Tempest | COTP Droids | H.I.V.E. Soldiers | Demonic rats | Giant Monster
Agent 257 | Amber | Anchorman | Armadillo Man | Chef | Chu-hui | Dionne | French chef | Game show host | Joaquim | Little Boy | Mr. Wolf | Pelican | Raskov | Rebecca | Rorek | Sarah Simms | Sarasim | Space Hero | Spike | Steel City Tigers | The Mayor of Tokyo | Tokyo Girl
Tamaranean | Kai | Cron | Blue aliens | Red aliens | Green aliens | Orange aliens | Carnivorous plant | Galfore | Glgrdsklechhh | Soto | Soto's dog | Val-Yor | Shrieker | Shallas
Mind Control Squid | Chu-hui's Guardians | Utahraptors
Alien probe | Blocker | Brotherhood's robots | Cybot | Cyclones | Rex | Rexzilla | Robot Army | Robot Commandos
Teen Titans Go! comics characters
Aquagirl | Aquaman | Azrael | Batman | Battalion | Captain Pegleg Jack | Cassie Sandsmark | Cupid | Flamebird | Flash | Gill Girl | Golden Eagle | Green Lantern | Hawkgirl | Mirage | Nightwing | Robby Reed | Secret | Sultan of Shahrazad | Superman | The Flying Graysons | Wildfire | Wonder Woman