Flamebird is a new recruit of the Teen Titans. Her real name is Bette Kane.
Flamebird first appeared in issue #50 of Teen Titans Go! as a potential new member along with (the TTG universe's version of) Mirage, Aquagirl, Golden Eagle, and Azrael. She is later shown in issue #55 in Starfire's hallucination to have joined Titans North along side Mirage.

Mirage and Flamebird in Teen Titans Go!
- In the comics, the character originally appeared during the 1960s as "Betty Kane" and was the original Bat-Girl, the sidekick to Batwoman. Years later, her name would be modified to "Bette Kane" and she would assume the role of Flamebird.
- In the comics, Flamebird was obsessed with Robin, but it is unknown if such a trait carried over into this incarnation.
- The costume Starfire wore in issue #24 was Bette's original Bat-Girl costume.