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"Date with Destiny" is the sixth episode of season two and the overall 19th episode of the Teen Titans series.


When Killer Moth threatens the city with his army of moths, Robin has no choice but to agree to his demand; He is forced to take his bratty and spoiled daughter Kitten to her junior prom much to Robin's dismay and Starfire's jealousy.


Date Destiny a

The true authority in the house.

The villain Killer Moth is about to unleash his latest scheme when his plans are spoiled by his daughter Kitten. Her boyfriend Fang has just dumped her, one day before her Junior Prom, and she forces her father into finding her another date.

In the meantime, the Teen Titans are chasing a spider-headed jewel thief. Robin is the only one who can get close to him, but gets hit by a paralysis venom beam from his opponent. Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy continue the chase, while Starfire returns with Robin to Titans Tower for treatment. Right after Robin has recovered, he calls the others for a status report, only to find out that the Bay Bridge is being attacked by a horde of gigantic moths which can easily chew through steel. When Robin and Starfire prepare to help, Killer Moth calls them up and presents his list of demands - including the rather bizarre request to take Kitten to her Prom. Robin sees no other choice but to agree, much to Starfire's objection and jealousy. Following this, he calls up the others, briefing them on the situation and tasking them with tracking down Killer Moth through Kitten. Although he sends Starfire to aid them, she decides to attend the Prom as well to keep Kitten away from 'her' Robin.

Date Destiny c

Oh, the joy of jealousy!

While Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy find Killer Moth's hidden lab in the cellar of Kitten's home and engage the villain in combat, Robin and Starfire arrive at the ship where the Prom is being celebrated. Kitten is quick in claiming Robin as her date, and Robin goes along with little joy and gritted teeth, while Starfire progressively boils white-hot with jealousy. When Robin receives the news that his friends have found Killer Moth, he dumps Kitten (much to Starfire's joy), who then reveals her part in Killer Moth's scheme and the control device for the moths and tries to kiss him, much to his and Starfire's horror and his disgust. Robin's attempt to take the device from her is interrupted by Fang, who has caught wind of Kitten's new date; the two reconcile, but then Fang engages Robin in combat. When Kitten attacks Starfire, the fight quickly becomes one sided, as Starfire easily breaks through any attack Kitten uses, utilizing her powers while also roaring like an animal to scare her, which succeeds.

When Kitten's dress is smudged in the fight, she activates the device, releasing the moths from their cages, but the other Titans manage to prevent them from getting out of the cellar. Fang is finally knocked out by Robin, who also destroys the control device; as a result, the moths revert to larva state. As Killer Moth, Kitten and Fang are taken to jail, Kitten vows revenge, but Robin cares little about this claim; and after being nominated as King and Queen of the Prom, Robin and Starfire share their first romantic dance together.


Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]




  • When Robin fixes his hair while talking to Starfire, it briefly looks like Dick Grayson's original hair style. It also resembles the classic Robin hairstyle back in the 1960's TV show.


  • This is the second episode focusing on Robin and Starfire's romantic feelings for each other. This is rather meaningful, since the episode aired on Valentine's Day.
  • Starfire uses her eye blasts in this episode, even though she had not been through her transformation until the next episode. It is possible that the events in this episode took place after the next episode (chronologically). Given that Starfire usually has these abilities right from the very beginning in the comics, it is also possible it was left over from a previous draft from the episode.
  • Innuendo: When Starfire yells in anger about Robin going to the prom with Kitten her breasts began to jiggle for a little bit.


  • In the scene where Starfire screamed "WHAT" after Robin agreed to take Kitten to the dance, Starfire is shown to have green nail polish on her toes. This is likely to be an animation error.
  • In the scene where Cyborg became overwhelmed by the moths, his robotic part is shown on the wrong side of his face, but in the next scene where the moths flew off, his respective face is on the correct sides.
  • After being cured of Fang's venom attack, Robin opens his communicator, revealing the cover that has swapped colors.
  • After Starfire slaps Kitten with her wrist guard, she throws it onto Robin. However, on the next shot where she was seen gasping, the wrist guard appeared back on her arm. Similarly, when she slaps Kitten, her wrist guard is still shown to have a hand on it, and yet when Robin removes it from his face, there is nothing in the wrist guard.


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