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Crash is the 30th episode of the Teen Titans series and the 4th episode of the third season.


When Beast Boy downloads a copy of the newest video game "Mega Monkey 4," he goes to Cyborg's room to use it on his computer, but accidently tries it out on his system recharger which infects Cyborg with a serious virus. The only person who can possibly fix him is none other than Gizmo. Gizmo says that the only way to fix him is to go into his body and destroy the virus from the inside, but during the operation Cyborg breaks free and goes on a rampage in the city. Gizmo along with Beast Boy must now try to repair Cyborg from the inside before the virus spreads throughout the entire city.


Beast Boy has just hacked into the global network and managed to get an illegal advance copy of a new computer action game. But the Titans Tower's main video game and computer systems reject the copy, so Beast Boy sneaks inside Cyborg's room to use his computer. He makes the unfortunate mistake of uploading the game on Cyborg's System Recharger, and since he had deactivated the Titans' security programs to obtain it, it has come with a computer virus as a nasty surprise bonus, which promptly infects Cyborg as he attempts to take a recharge.

Crash b

Cyborg's new view of Robin.

With his brain addled by the virus, Cyborg throws himself at anything which appears edible in his mind's eye - including his fellow Titans. Beast Boy, feeling guilty, offers to make things right, but the others don't trust him to succeed in such a delicate operation and "recruit" Gizmo instead. In order to erase the virus, Gizmo shrinks down to microscopic size and prepares to enter Cyborg's brain. But just as the injection is to take place, Cyborg breaks free and runs amok in the city. While Gizmo has been injected, he was inserted at the lowest possible end and so has to work himself up all the way to Cyborg's brain. Beast Boy, transformed into an amoeba, joins him, still determined to correct his blunder.

Robin and the girls attempt to restrain Cyborg, who runs through the city center, consuming any and every (in-)edibles that catch his eye. Finally, in his agitation, he begins to infect any other electrical device he touches with the virus - and his next target is the main dish of the city's communication center, which would spread the virus over a massive radius, thus making its elimination an impossible task.

Crash e

The viral core.

Beast Boy and Gizmo finally reach the brain after passing scores of drones created by the virus. While Gizmo is prepared to use even radical methods to finish the virus - including setting an EMP charge that would shut Cyborg down, possibly for good - Beast Boy is determined to rescue his friend without harming him any further. But the virus proves stronger than expected; Gizmo runs for it, and Beast Boy is caught by the virus. But then an idea hits him, and using an inherent ability of single-cell organisms, he overwhelms the virus by multiplying himself, eliminating its threat - just in time to prevent Cyborg from biting heartily into the dish's antenna tip. Beast Boy is lauded by the Titans for his success, but in the excitement of the moment they have forgotten Gizmo, who has been expelled from Cyborg's body along with the remnants of the virus' drones and is still trapped in microscopic size.


Gizmo swimming for his life


Main Characters

Supporting Characters



  • At the end of the chase scene at the junkyard, the Cyborg mistakes Starfre for a pineapple and Raven for a broccoli. This is only scene where both girls run on foot while Cyborg chase them like Pac-Man chasing after Blue Ghosts.
  • Raven would again state her sarcastic liking of waffles in Cyborg the Barbarian.
  • After Raven's sarcastic remark, the Teen Titans discuss ways to fix him. During this scene, Cyborg can be heard in the background quoting a scene from the movie Shrek where Donkey talks about parfaits, except Cyborg replaces "parfait" with "waffles."
  • This episode is a spoof of the films Fantastic Voyage and Inner Space.
  • Beast Boy says that he downloaded the game copy from a server in "Eastern Zandia." In the DCU, the fictional nation of Zandia was the birthplace of Brother Blood.
  • When in the farmer's market, Cyborg throws multiple items into his mouth, one of them being a toy of Mumbo.
  • Cyborg saying the word "Yams" repeatedly is a possible reference to the Spam sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus.
  • Cyborg bursting through the wall saying, "oh, yeah" is a reference to the old Kool-Aid commercials where the Kool-Aid Man would do the same.
  • This is the only episode in which Beast Boy talks while in animal form, though he is seen communicating telepathically with Aqualad in Deep Six as a squid.
  • This episode establishes that Beast Boy can transform into microscopic organisms. (However, amoebae are not scientifically classed as animals.)
  • The viral drones have a striking resemblance to Keramon from Digimon. They also have a similar appearance to the Nometian aliens in the Justice League episode Comfort and Joy.
  • Cyborg's "brain" (where the viral core is located) closely resembles the core of the second Death Star from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.
  • Cyborg eating the parking meter with the net resembles the Shrek scene where Shrek eats a bunch of spider webs (shaped like a turkey leg) on a stick.
  • This is the second time Raven scared her enemy to the point of traumatization since Nevermore.
  • Raven doesn't wear her hood throughout the episode.

Memorable Dialogue

  • Beast Boy: [his computer is loading] Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. [his game is downloaded] Ha! I'm a genius! By simply turning off all those useless security programs and connecting directly to an underground server in Eastern Sandia, I, Beast Boy, have gotten my hands on an advanced copy of the hottest video game ever, Mega Monkeys 4! [runs out of his room]
  • Starfire: And then - [Beast Boy runs past Robin and Starfire]
  • [Beast Boy enters the main lobby, throws the disc in the game station and prepares to play the game]
  • Beast Boy: Look out monkeys! Here I - [the game station spits the disc out] Huh? Hmm. Game station must not have enough horse power. But I bet the Titan main frame does. [runs past Raven and runs to the Titan main frame; he attempts to play the game on it, but it won't load it] Uh! Aww, man! Isn't there a computer around here that can play this thing?! [gets an idea] Ha! [runs out and sly sneaks into Cyborg's room] If Cyborg's computer can handle this, nobody's can. [runs over to his system recharger, to which he thinks is a computer] Now, where do I - Ah, here we go. [stuffs the disc in the system recharger] Kind of, uh, tight fit! [the recharger downloads the game] Sweet! [the recharger shuts off] Huh? [the recharger short-circuits] Not sweet! [he frantically tries to fix it by pushing various buttons, but gets electrocuted; he panics and goes to the door] Better motor before - [Cyborg appears] AAAHHH!!! Cyborg, what are you doing here?
  • Cyborg: It's my room. What are you doing here?
  • Beast Boy: [feels nervous] I, um, practicing my nose-whistle? [whistles with his nose, and panics a bit when Cyborg comes in]
  • Cyborg: You've been messing with my computer?
  • Beast Boy: Me? No. [realizes something when Cyborg opens up his real computer] Uh...That's your computer? Then what's this?
  • Cyborg: My System Recharger. And speaking of, I could use a little juice. [prepares to plug in]
  • Beast Boy: Wait!! I-I think the Recharger might have a -
  • Cyborg: [plugs in, gets electrified] VIRUUUUUUUUUS!!

  • Robin: Cyborg, there's something wrong with you. Please let us help.
  • Cyborg: You bet there's something wrong! [In his mind's eye, Robin turns into a T-bone steak] We need gravy! AND PLENTY OF IT!! [Robin is shocked as Cyborg tries to eat him, but Raven and Starfire stop him]

  • Cyborg: PIIIIEEEE!!!! HOT WINGS!!! Oh yyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!! [bursts through wall]
  • Starfire: The injection was successful?
  • Robin: I... Think so. Gizmo, report! Are you inside Cyborg?
  • Gizmo: Oh, I'm inside him, all right. But I'm not in his brain--I'm in his butt. You kludgeheads have any idea how long it's going to take me to get from this tin can's can up to his brain?!

  • Robin: Take it easy, Cyborg. It's us.
  • Raven: We're here to take you home.
  • Starfire: You remember who we are, yes?
    [All three turn into fried eggs before Cyborg's eyes]
  • Cyborg: [weeping] You're the nasty egg people who stole all my waffles!!

  • Endzone Virus: Scanning, scanning. Anti-viral program: obsolete. Threat: minor. Deletion: imminent. (...) Scanning. Single-cell microorganism. Threat: zero. Deletion: imminent.

  • Endzone Virus: Single-cell organism. Mental capacity: zero. Programming ability: zero. Mathematical aptitude: zero.
  • Beast Boy: You know, this cell may stink at math - but I can still multiply!

  • Cyborg: Ooh! You know what'd be fun? Lets all go out for waffles! Raaaaaven, you like waffles, don't you?
  • Raven: More than life itself.
  • Starfire: We must help him.
  • Beast Boy: No problem. I'll shrink down to the size of an amoeba, get inside of him and then -
  • Raven: And then what? Mess him up even worse?
  • Robin: Thanks, Beast Boy, but I think you've done enough. We need an expert.
  • Starfire: But who? The only person qualified to repair Cyborg is Cyborg.
  • Cyborg: Waffles, waffles, waffles!
  • Robin: I hate to admit it, but there is one other person.

  • Cyborg: What happened? (groans painfully) My stomach--it feels like I ate a tire! (burps loudly)
  • Raven: That's a distinct possibility.

  • Gizmo: No stinkin' way! I'm not fixing that overgrown bucket of robo-scrunge, and there's not a thing that you grot-sniffers could ever do or say that'll make me... (Gizmo tries to leave, but Raven appears in front of him, and takes off her hood, revealing an evil looking monster face from Gizmo's viewpoint; Gizmo turns back, looking very shaken) I'll help...