Argent is a young super-heroine hailing from Great Britain and an Honorary Titan. She currently serves as a member of the Teen Titans North.
Character history[]

Antonia Louise Monetti as the goth superheroine Argent.
Argent, born Antonia Louise Monetti, is a superheroine. who is also known to operate abroad as well. Prior to becoming an honorary titan, Argent performed a number of heroic deeds and helped a large number of people in need. By the time of "Calling All Titans!" Argent's heroic deeds were well-known enough to be a recognized hero by the Teen Titans, despite not having met them previously. Because of her superpowers and growing reputation, she was targeted by the Brotherhood of Evil for capture and elimination, seeing her a threat to their future plans. Because of this, Robin sought to recruit her as an Honorary Titan, as part of his plan to connect young heroes from around the globe. Thus, to both fulfill this goal and in order to ensure her safety from the Brotherhood Robin instructed Starfire to give her a T-Communicator to contact the Titans if she ever met danger she could not handle.

Starfire meets Argent in New Zealand to warn her about the Brotherhood of Evil.
Argent was in New Zealand, where she was using her powers to repair a collapsing concrete dam in a remote area, which was threatening to flood a large valley. It was here that Starfire made contact with Argent. After introducing herself to Argent, Starfire gladly offered assistance to the fellow heroine in helping her fix the dam. Just as she did, another part of the dam opened up again, releasing huge tons of water into the valley. Despite having only just met, Argent and Starfire work together to successfully hold the dam together. During their teamwork, Starfire warns Argent about the Brotherhood targeting her, and gives her a T-communicator in case she ever needs the Titans help, thus inviting her as an Honorary Titan. Argent happily accepts Starfire's proposal, especially since she is fond of the communicator being black, her favorite color.

Argent being given a T-Communicator by her fellow heroine Starfire.
After giving Argent the communicator, Starfire takes her leave while Argent stays behind to finish fixing up the dam. When Robin begins the global checkup on all Honorary Titans, Argent is among those to answer. They are unaware however, that the Brain has been listening in their conversation the whole time, by using a communicator of his own (which Madame Rouge stole from Hot Spot). With the locations of all the Titans discovered the Brain begins the Brotherhood's offense. Argent is the first to be targeted in the onslaught, with General Immortus and his robot army being dispatched to New Zealand to capture her.

Argent attacked by General Immortus and his robotic army.
Just as Argent added the finished touches to securing the dam, General Immortus arrived, seemingly alone, to confront her. Believing him to be by himself, the initially surprised Argent made ready to do battle, only to be caught off guard when the evil General revealed his army of robot's armed with blasters and jetpacks, Realizing she was outnumbered, Argent attempted to flee with the Brotherhood's forces in hot pursuit, destroying the dam and causing it flood the valley as they went after her. Needing help, Argent contacted Robin and requested immediate assistance. Starfire was then sent back to help Argent, with the British superheroine, urgently telling her to hurry. Immediately after that, the fleeing Argent was intercepted by Immortus and his soldiers.

Argent flying through the air as she battles against her robotic attackers.
Though briefly cornered, Argent fought back against her attackers, even landing a blow that severely damaged Immortus' hovercraft. After which, she flew off and engaged his robot soldiers in a battle through the air. Attempting to holdout until Starfire arrived, Argent successfully managed to destroy several of the robots and held her own for sometime. Sadly however, Argent was eventually overwhelmed and subdued by Immortus' army, being knocked out and taken away before Starfire could make it in time. While Immortus took Argent away, he left Killer Moth, Kitten, and their legion of flying insects to deal with Starfire when she finally arrived.

A captured and unconscious Argent being carried over the shoulder of a Brotherhood of Evil Robot.
After Robin was captured by Madame Rouge, the hogtied hero was brought to the Brotherhood's secret lair underneath Paris, France. While there, the Brain presented to the defeated hero of the titans, a number of the Honorary Titans that the Brotherhood managed to capture; among them being Speedy, Aqualad, and Menos. Argent was the last of the Honorary Titans to be presented to Robin, with the young hero gazing in horror as one of the Brotherhood's Robot's held the unconscious British heroine atop its shoulder, as it stood over the other defeated Titans.
Sometime later Argent was flash frozen as a victory trophy by Professor Chang and put on display with all the other captured heroes in the Brotherhood's headquarters. Thankfully however, when Beast Boy and the remnants of the Titans conducted a massive assault on the base, Argent and the other captives were freed by Más y Menos and joined the fight, where she subsequently defeated Johnny Rancid in the fray. After their victory, Argent join the other Titans in visiting Titans Tower and subsequently assisted them in recapturing Doctor Light.
By Teen Titans Go! #34, Argent has returned to fighting crime in the UK, operating primarily out of London. There she engaged Punk Rocket when he started rampaging through the city streets. Though she was able beat him down, Rocket's attacks caused a nearby building to collapse, forcing her to protect the civilians with her powers while Rocket attempted to make his escape. Fortunately however, Kid Flash arrived to assist her and prevented Rocket from escaping allowing Argent to apprehend him. During this time, Kid Flash started making flirts at Argent, even calling her by the nickname of silver (much to the irritation of Jinx who was watching). When Kid Flash started getting distracted by his fans, Argent reminded him about his race with Mas y Menos, and he continued on his way while she took Rocket into custody.
Later on, Argent would work alongside Jericho and Red Star in fighting Marionette when she possessed a hoard of London police officers into attacking them. Though Marionette was defeated, she managed to escape. Robin later contacted Argent regarding the details of the battle, with her data being a key factor in Robin figuring out mystery behind Marionette's identity. In Teen Titans Go! #55 it is revealed that sometime later, Argent relocated to North America and joined the Titans North alongside Red Star, Kole, Gnarrk, Flamebird, and Mirage.

Argent full view.
Argent is a teenager with a silver/light gray skin and spiked, black hair with red bangs. Her dress is black up until her waist, where she has a red skirt with black stripes. She also wears long, black sleeves and black boots with a bit of red coloring on the bottom. Argent has a small 'A' tattoo on her chest, and her eyes are red with black pupils.

A screenshot of Argent, showing her usually calm yet serious personality.
Argent has been shown to be very quiet, calm, honorable, and very collected. She usually maintains a very calm yet serious demeanor, handling dangerous situations with little emotion or worry. She mostly keeps to herself making her somewhat of a loner and she can also be a little sarcastic with a somewhat dry sense of humor. Argent seems to be very goth or punk as black is her favorite color. Despite her usually introverted demeanor, she is not anti-social and is shown to be grateful if helped, even when she does not ask for it. Typical of a super-heroin, Argent also has a strong sense of justice, having helped many people in need several times.
Despite her cool exterior, she seems to have a bit of an insecure side. When approached by Starfire and questioned if she was Argent, Argent had to ask a couple of questions before seeing Starfire as a good guy. Once she realized Starfire was no threat and a fellow heroine, she seemed to be casual with her but also possessed a somewhat introverted attitude toward her, further showing her more loner attitude.
Despite her calm and serious disposition, Argent can be somewhat cocky when fighting opponents. She seems to put a fighting mode look on her face possibly to scare her opponents. When confronted by general Immortus, she assumed it would be easy to defeat him since he, at first, seemed alone. This could possibly show that Argent has a fair amount of pride in her powers and skills. It was only after Immortus' soldiers appeared did she realized the true extent of the threat he posed.
When she is fighting she seems to be less calm and collected. However, really tries hard which pays off later on. She would also never surrender to a villain, preferring to fight till the end, outmatched or not. After fighting alongside the Titans against the Brotherhood of Evil, Argent seems to have warmed up to having teammates, having joined and moved in with the Titans North and forming close friendships with them.
Powers and abilities[]

Argent's powers of flight, energy generation, and manipulation.
Argent's primary power is the generation and control of a form of crimson energy that she can release from her hands and then form into anything she wants, ranging from concentrated bolts of force to energy-hands or other item manifestations. She utilizes these abilities similar to the Green Lanterns from DC comics.

Argent using her powers to form solid metal shapes.
As a secondary power, Argent is capable of utilizing her ability to levitate and fly at high altitudes and speeds. During the flight, she has been shown to resist the damage of sudden change in air pressure and altitude.

Despite having only just met, Starfire and Argent work well together in preventing a disaster.
Starfire was the first Teen Titan Argent met and befriended. Due to the Brotherhood of Evil targeting young heroes, Starfire was sent to warn Argent and give her a Titans Communicator. When they first met, Argent was a bit cautious about Starfire and briefly checked to make sure she could be trusted. After realizing she was a Teen Titan, Argent knew Starfire was no threat but seemed somewhat indifferent to her presence. Despite this, she gladly accepted Starfire's help in fixing the broken dam and was grateful for her aid. After they finished securing the dam, Starfire handed Argent her Titans communicator (which Argent was fond of since black was her favorite color). When Argent was attacked by the Brotherhood, Starfire quickly came to her aid and was worried when she arrived to find her missing. The two later fought together against the Brotherhood in Paris and against Dr. Light. The two super-heroines both get along and work well together.

Argent and Robin discussing a recent battle her team fought.
While little interaction was shown between them, Argent, like all honorary Titans, has been shown to respect Robin. Robin also seems to hold her, like the other young heroes targeted by the Brotherhood of Evil, in high regard as he sent Starfire to both recruit her as an honorary member of the team and to warn her about the threat the Brotherhood posed to her safety. When Argent was outnumbered and losing her fight to General Immortus' army, she immediately contacted Robin for assistance, which he sent without hesitation. When Robin was brought before the Brain in defeat he was shocked and horrified to have seen so many young heroes taken prisoner, Argent being among them. When she was freed with the other honorary members and did battle with the Brotherhood in their secret lair, she, like the others followed Robin's lead. In "Teen Titans Go #41" it is shown that even after joining the Titans North, Argent still respects Robin and vice versa. By this point, the two have become good friends as she doesn't mind being woken up early by him and tries to be as helpful as possible when he needs her, following his orders without question. She also genuinely wants to be helpful to Robin on his assignments and and has shown trust his advice and evaluations. Because of this, the two work well together as both teammates and friends.
Brotherhood of Evil[]

Taken prisoner by the Brotherhood of Evil, Argent lies draped over the shoulder of a robot captor.
After their encounter with the Teen Titans the Brotherhood of Evil started targeting young heroes whom they deemed a threat, Argent being among them. When the Brain began his plan to capture the Teen Titans and their honorary members, he sent General Immortus and a legion of the Brotherhood's robot soldiers to capture Argent. Though Argent was initially surprised by his sudden appearance, she was confident she could take him alone. This changed when his army appeared to support him; she then realized she was outnumbered and match and quickly called the Titans for assistance. Though she put up a good fight against Immortus and his soldiers, Argent was eventually overpowered, knocked out, and taken prisoner by Immortus and his army. Sometime later, she along with all the other captured Titans were flash frozen as trophies in the Brotherhood's secret base in Paris. When they were all greed by Mas y Menos, Argent immediately jumped into battle against the Brotherhood's forces, determined to get pay back on them. Like the other Titans she celebrated their defeat.
Titans North[]

Argent fighting alongside her teammates as members of Titans North.
Sometime after the Brotherhood of Evil's defeat, Argent joined Red Star, Kole, Gnarrk, Mirage, and Flamebird, as members of Titans North. While usually introverted, Argent seems to get along well with her new teammates and forming close friendships with them. Together they fight alongside against serious threats.
Teen Titans[]
Season 5[]
- "Homecoming - Part 2" (Cameo)
- "Lightspeed" (Cameo)
- "Calling All Titans!"
- "Titans Together"
New Teen Titans shorts[]
- "Kidz Korner 4 Kidz" (Cameo)
Teen Titans Go![]
- "The Great Race"
- "Troy"
- "Stupid Cupid"
- "Bad Girls"
- "Graduation Day"
- "When There's Trouble..." (Cameo)
Click here to view the gallery.
Background information[]
- In the DC mainstream comics, Argent's powers and appearance are derived from her half-alien heritage. She was originally created to help the aliens defeat the super-powered beings on Earth, but rebelled and became a heroine instead. In the comics, her energy constructs are silver rather than red. Her skin is also said to be silver. This may be due to the fact that Argent means silver in French.
- In the comics she was an Italian-American girl who was the daughter of a powerful and influential New Jersey senator. It is unknown why the cartoon changed her to having a confusingly nebulous background of debatably being either British or a Kiwi (New Zealander) instead.
- In the comics she was more of a valley girl with black on her rather than a goth-looking or alternative girl.
- She was very good friends with Hot Spot in the original DC Comics. In the Teen Titans series, their friendship is not focused on.
- Despite supposedly originating from New Zealand, her accent in the Teen Titans series is inaccurate and more British. Although New Zealand is a UK Commonwealth country like Australia.
- In one animation error, her powers are yellow-orange.
- She is part of Titans North.
- Argent is fond of the color black. Black is also the national color of New Zealand.
- Just before General Immortus attacked her, she is shown putting large brackets into the broken dam with her powers. When she finished this, the brackets were not made of her energy, but rather metal. This could mean that she can use her powers in a telekinetic way to pick things up, or her energy can materialize into other substances when she was done with it.
- Argent features in the Teen Titans Go! comic series - most notably in issue #34, "The Great Race", and issue #41, "Girl Trouble". In these episodes, she is shown operating in the United Kingdom.
- In "Stupid Cupid", when Larry draws other characters to each other Argent gets paired with Wildebeest, even though the two had never even seen each other except possibly while battling the Brotherhood of Evil in Paris.
- Argent is the only female Titan to have been captured by the Brotherhood of Evil.